Welcome to Tigard Tualatin School District
Volunteer Application
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Thank you for applying to volunteer. Your time is appreciated. After you submit your information, the volunteer coordinator will be in contact. Please allow a reasonable time for processing. If you have any questions, our contact info is at the bottom of this page.

This application contains four very short sections. Please complete all four, they really are short and will just take a few minutes. This information will help us link you to the best opportunities at the best locations for you, especially if you have children in the district.

The items with asterisks are required and must be completed to submit this form. When you have finished the last section, the SUBMIT APPLICATION button will appear.

1 - Tell us about yourself

First Name*First name required
Middle Name
Last Name*Last name required
Email Address
Phone 10 Digits Required
Work Phone 10 Digits Required
Cell Phone 10 Digits Required
Skills, Hobbies, Comments, Questions?
previous zip codes

Legal First Name*Required
Legal Middle Name
Legal Last Name*Required
Birth Date*Required
How long have you lived in Oregon?*Required
Drivers License Number*Required
License Issuing State*Required
List all Last Names you have ever used including your Birth NameRequired if different than current name

Type of ApplicantRequired
Have you ever been convicted of, arrested for, or charged with any criminal offense including a misdemeanor, gross misdemeanor or felony?*
Please provide an explanation of the criminal charge checked above*Required

I understand that by signing below I am granting Tigard Tualatin School District permission to check civil or criminal records to verify criminal history. Additionally, I understand that by signing below my information will be verified by the Oregon Department of Education per Oregon SB-155

Full Legal Name (Electronic Signature)*Required
The check boxes to accept these terms are at end this section. Both must be checked to continue.

Please review the information below


Volunteers should demonstrate the following attributes:

  1. A sense of responsibility
  2. Enthusiasm
  3. Ability to follow directions and good listening skills
  4. Skills that match a specific need in the school
  5. Ability to maintain confidentiality


  1. Volunteers must keep all information about students, families, and personnel confidential.
  2. Volunteers will follow district policies and procedures, including use of profanity, use of tobacco and controlled substances, possession of weapons, and appropriate dress.
  3. Volunteers will act under the direction of an administrator, teacher, or volunteer coordinator. When working with students, the teacher designs and directs all activities.
  4. Volunteers will not engage in political or religious activities while performing services for the district.
  5. Volunteers are asked to inform the school as soon as possible if they are not able to carry out a volunteer commitment.
  6. Volunteers must follow sign in procedures at their work site.
  7. Volunteers are not to administer discipline or medication.
  8. Volunteers should not be assigned to work alone with students in areas where they are not within sight and sound of responsible district employees.
Note: Volunteers are not covered by the district's worker’s compensation insurance. As long as they follow sign in procedures and do assigned tasks, they are covered by the district's general liability insurance.

Code of Confidentiality for Volunteers

Safeguarding the Community and School Partnership

Volunteers provide assistance and help with many vital activities at the school like Art Literacy, Field Trips, Tutoring, Clerical Work, Coaching, and Screening Programs.

It is inevitable that volunteers at some time may encounter information about specific students while performing their duties. As a volunteer, you must assume responsibility for protecting the privacy of children and information about their education and/or personal like of which you may become knowledgeable.

The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) requires that only individuals with educational need, access information. The teacher or principal is required to limit your access to this information. However, sometimes information is encountered in informal ways. You may notice a student leaving class to work with a special educator, observe the student going to the health room, hear a child talk about a sensitive family issue, or overhear a conversation in the school office.

Other information may come to your attention as a direct result of your volunteer duties. Some examples may include calling the absentee list, filing information in the office, or recording results of a vision or dental screening. Whether you encounter information formally or informally, your responsibility is the same --- always keep this information strictly to yourself. Your 'job' as a volunteer depends on it!

Here are some examples of how you as a Volunteer can carry out the responsibility of being confidential:

Don’t seek out information.
If you are filing in the office, just look at the name or date and not the written information. If there are papers on a desk, only look at the ones you have been asked to deal with.

Keep information you hear or see to yourself.
If you are uncomfortable or uncertain about something, it is always appropriate to tell the teacher or principal, but never another parent.

Remove yourself from opportunity.
If you walk into a classroom at the end of a team meeting, excuse yourself until the conversation is completed. If you cannot leave and discussion about a student is taking place, remind the speaker that you are present and should not have exposure to the information.

Help other volunteers remember these obligations.
Stop inappropriate conversations immediately, whether you are at school or the grocery store. If there is a persistent problem, notify the principal. The school district cannot legally allow individuals who ignore the obligations to continue in their volunteer duties

Remember to always abide by this motto at school: “What you SEE here, What you Do here, What you SAY here; let it STAY here.

2 - Do you have students in the district?

Do you have a student in the district?*

When you tell us who your students are it allows us to help you get involved with their specific classrooms and activities.
First Name Required
Last Name Required
Select School Required
Grade* Required
Classroom if known

Click on Next Step to select the schools of interest to you.

3 - Confirm your school selection

Please select at least one school.

4 - What are you interested in?

No schools have been selected yet. Please select a school in the section above.
Tell us which activities you are interested in. Each school you selected above will have its own activities list below. Please take the time to click on each list and select the activities you find interesting.

Thank you very much for your application. Volunteers are very important and are very much appreciated here at Tigard Tualatin School District.

We will be in touch as soon as possible and look forward to welcoming you as a volunteer.

If you have any questions, please contact us by phone - 503-431-4175,
or email us - vmadrigal@ttsd.k12.or.us

is specifically organized into classrooms. Please select a classroom.
For volunteering questions, please contact
vmadrigal@ttsd.k12.or.us - 503-431-4175.
This service is provided by HelpCounter Volunteer Software under a subscription license. For technical support contact info@helpcounter.net or call 971 338-9550. Copyright 2003-2025 - Liden Technologies www.helpcounter.net

Missing Information

Required information must be completed!

No Interests Selected

You have not checked any interests! If you'd like to return and view the activities list, click on Return, and click on a school's activities list. Otherwise just click on I'm Finished to submit your application as is.