Welcome to Canby School District
Volunteer Application
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en español

Thank you for applying to volunteer. Your time is appreciated. After you submit your information, the volunteer coordinator will be in contact. Please allow a reasonable time for processing. If you have any questions, our contact info is at the bottom of this page.

This application contains four very short sections. Please complete all four, they really are short and will just take a few minutes. This information will help us link you to the best opportunities at the best locations for you, especially if you have children in the district.

The items with asterisks are required and must be completed to submit this form. When you have finished the last section, the SUBMIT APPLICATION button will appear.

1 - Tell us about yourself

First Name*First name required
Middle Name
Last Name*Last name required
Email Address*
Phone 10 Digits Required
Work Phone 10 Digits Required
Cell Phone 10 Digits Required
Skills, Hobbies, Comments, Questions?
previous zip codes

Please select your sponsoring organization Required
Type the name of your sponsoring organization here
Legal First Name Required
Legal Middle Name
Legal Last NameRequired
Maiden/Birth Name or Any Other Names You Have Used
Date of BirthRequired
Social Security Number Required
Drivers License Number Required
Please input N/A if no driver license is available
Issuing StateRequired

Drivers license, state id, resident
alien card, or matricula.
Type of applicantRequired
Have you ever been convicted of a sex-related crime?
Have you ever been convicted of a crime involving violence or threat of violence?
Have you ever been convicted of a crime involving criminal activity in drugs or alcohol?
Have you ever been convicted of any crime except a minor traffic violation? (Within the last 25 years)
Have you ever been arrested for a crime for which there has not yet been an acquittal/dismissal?
Please provide an explanation of any criminal charges checked above
For any convictions include the state, date, and convicting agency.
Electronic Signature (type your legal name)Required

REQUIRED: Click here to review Reporting Requirements for Suspected Sexual Conduct with Students. Please confirm that you have read and understand the document with the checkbox below:

REQUIRED: Click here to review Reporting Requirements for Suspected Sexual Conduct Report Procedures. Please confirm that you have read and understand the document with the checkbox below:

Volunteer Code of Confidentiality

Canby School District is committed to maintaining the security and confidentiality of all student records and information. Selected volunteers with access to student records or information must adhere to the Volunteer Code of Confidentiality as outlined in the guidelines below.

  1. All student records should be considered confidential.
  2. Directory information, including a student’s name, address, telephone number, date and place of birth, photograph, major field of study, participation in officially recognized activities and sports, weight and height of members of athletic teams, dates of attendance, degrees and awards received and previous educational agencies or institutions attended, can only be shared with administrative approval.
  3. Records should not be left in a place where others can view them.
  4. Copies of records can only be shared with administrative approval.
  5. Volunteers should not discuss or repeat information overheard while in the staff lounge, classrooms, offices, school grounds, hallways, or school or extra curricular activities.
  6. Volunteers should not discuss information obtained while in a classroom, such as a student’s grade or behavior, with anyone other than the student’s teacher.
  7. Concerns or questions regarding student records or issues of confidentiality should be brought to the attention of the staff member that supervises the volunteer, and /or school administrator.
  8. Any knowledge of a violation of this Code of Confidentiality should be immediately reported to the staff member that supervises the volunteer, and/or school administrator.

2 - Do you have students in the district?

Do you have a student in the district?*

When you tell us who your students are it allows us to help you get involved with their specific classrooms and activities.
First Name Required
Last Name Required
Select School Required
Grade* Required
Classroom if known

Click on Next Step to select the schools of interest to you.

3 - Confirm your school selection

Please select at least one school.

4 - What are you interested in?

No schools have been selected yet. Please select a school in the section above.
Tell us which activities you are interested in. Each school you selected above will have its own activities list below. Please take the time to click on each list and select the activities you find interesting.

Thank you very much for your application. Volunteers are very important and are very much appreciated here at Canby School District.

We will be in touch as soon as possible and look forward to welcoming you as a volunteer.

If you have any questions, please contact us by phone - 503-266-7861,
or email us - volunteersupport@canby.k12.or.us

is specifically organized into classrooms. Please select a classroom.
For volunteering questions, please contact
volunteersupport@canby.k12.or.us - 503-266-7861.
This service is provided by HelpCounter Volunteer Software under a subscription license. For technical support contact info@helpcounter.net or call 971 338-9550. Copyright 2003-2025 - Liden Technologies www.helpcounter.net

Missing Information

Required information must be completed!

No Interests Selected

You have not checked any interests! If you'd like to return and view the activities list, click on Return, and click on a school's activities list. Otherwise just click on I'm Finished to submit your application as is.